Tuesday, August 5, 2014

CNRP swearing in set for tomorrow

 Content image - Phnom Penh Post
Politicians from the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party will take their oaths as parliamentarians in front of King Norodom Sihamoni at the Royal Palace tomorrow, senior officials have said.The swearing in will pave the way for the party’s 55 elected lawmakers to take their seats in the National Assembly in coming days, bringing an end to their more than 10-month boycott of parliament.“It’s confirmed tomorrow at 4pm at the palace, but we will meet at the National Assembly at 3pm,” senior lawmaker and public affairs head Mu Sochua said.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan, in a Facebook post, said Deputy Prime Minister Sok An had confirmed the ruling Cambodian People’s Party had reached full agreement with the CNRP on details of a deal they inked on July 22 to end the longstanding political deadlock. He said the opposition would take their seats in parliament on Thursday, but Sochua and CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann would not confirm that date.“It will be a few days after the swearing-in ceremony,” Sovann said.The CNRP boycotted the opening of parliament last September following the disputed July national election, which they claimed was rigged by the ruling party.

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