Saturday, April 26, 2014

First hearing wraps for 23

 protester carried
THE trial of 23 people arrested during a garment strike in January was adjourned on Friday until May 6 after a long-awaited first hearing.After hearing from witnesses, Phnom Penh Municipal Judge Keo Mony said that due to the seriousness of the charges, the court needed more time to study the evidence before it could reach a verdict.

“These people [are accused of] having incited people to protest against garment factories and causing serious turmoil in our society,” he said.All suspects were arrested on January 2 and January 3 in Phnom Penh during a nationwide garment strike that ended in government forces shooting dead at least four people.Charges include aggravated intentional violence and aggravated intentional property destruction, which carry a maximum prison sentence of five years. The court has reduced charges against at least three, including Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA) president Vorn Pov, whose charges carry a maximum of two years.

In one courtroom, a judge took nearly two hours after the afternoon lunch break to call roll for witnesses for a second time. When the clock neared 4pm, he said judges needed to end proceedings due to time constraints in getting the defendants back to Prey Sar prison, where they are being held.
In addition to the two trials composing the 23, two men were separately on trial for their alleged participation in a Meanchey district riot that occurred when factory workers on strike from SL Garment were blocked by police during a march on November 12.After the hearing, police in riot gear cleared journalists and rights workers in front of Phnom Penh Municipal Court to the other side of the street, as a van containing the prisoners sped out of the building’s back entrance.

Earlier in the day, police focused their attention on about 400 supporters who waved flags, burned incense and made speeches over loudspeakers.Authorities had blocked the street in front of the courthouse with barricades and police in riot gear before 7am. Demonstrators on one side set up a makeshift shrine with sacrifices of beer and fruit in front of the police roadblock. “Free the 23” was printed on many of their T-shirts and painted on some faces.

At about 9:15, Yorm Bopha and other land rights activists made their way across the barricades on one side, ran toward the courthouse and were stopped and physically carried back by police and Daun Penh security guards – a process that was repeated over the course of two hours.
Some 50 police guarded each side of the blockade, while an additional 50 reinforcements sat at Olympic Stadium, which is located across the street from the court.

Successful surgery for patient with 4.5kg tumor

tumor, cho ray hospital

The patient, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Phuong, 41, is from the Mang Thit District of the southern province of Vinh Long.After having given birth two months earlier, Phuong felt something heavy in her right chest and had difficulty breathing when walking. Seeing doctors at Cho Ray Hospital, she was diagnosed with a huge tumor in the right breast.Scans showed that this was a neurofibrillary tumor, with great size of 30x70x25cm. The tumor wasweighing down on her entire right lung and other structures in her chest.

On April 17 doctors performed an operation to remove the tumor, which weighed up to 4.5kg.
Doctors say that this was a very difficult procedure because the tumor was stuck to the patient’s diaphragm, pericardium and blood vessels in the chest and the chest wall.
Currently, Phuong is recovering well. She can walk and eat. The surprising thing is that the patient was completely unaware of the giant tumor in her body until after giving birth.

Everest avalanche: Climbers descend amid uncertainty

 This April 24, 2014 photo released by Adrian Ballinger, founder and head guide of Alpenglow Expeditions, shows a meeting between Nepalese government delegation and Sherpa mountain guides near Everest base camp
A row over local guides' share of revenue from foreign climbers erupted after last week's deadly accident, prompting some to threaten a boycott.Sherpas also want better rescue and treatment facilities for guides.If others descend, some fear it could effectively end plans to climb the world's highest mountain this year.Ang Tshering Sherpa, the president of the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), told BBC Nepali's Surendra Phuyal that was a distinct possibility if the majority of climbers decided to abandon climbing.

But Madhusudan Burlakoti, a tourism ministry official, hoped that some teams might still climb. Sherpas have been in talks over these issues with the Nepalese government.
More than 300 foreigners were preparing to climb Everest this year, but the tense aftermath of the avalanche that killed 13 Sherpas and left 3 missing presumed dead dashed hopes and left many climbers disturbed and shocked, our correspondent reports.

Rescuers paint harrowing portrait of search aboard sunken ferry

 Watch this video
In the final, chaotic moments before the South Korean ferry Sewol rolled over and sank into the chilly waters of the Yellow Sea, 48 girls obeyed the orders of crew members and put on their life vests.Perhaps afraid, they all crammed into a single room meant for 30.None of them survived.The account of the recovery of the girls' bodies, offered Friday by rescue officials, offers a glimpse of the final moments aboard the sinking ferry, which went down on April 16 with 476 people aboard.
It also illuminates the daunting task facing divers trying to retrieve bodies while maintaining a fading glimmer of hope that perhaps, somewhere aboard the ferry, someone remains alive.

Rescue officials spoke of a forest of floating objects, doors forced shut by enormous water pressure, and of currents that tug at the breathing tubes that keep them alive as they look for the dead.
Civilian diver Chun Kwan-geung, one of the many rescuers working in the murky waters, spoke of having to break out windows to get to the lower decks of the ship, which now lies on its right side on the seafloor some 73 meters (240 feet) below the surface."The rescue effort is getting slower," said South Korean navy Capt. Kim Jin-hwang, commander of the rescue operation. "The divers already searched all the places easily accessible. They are expecting the search to become harder because of increasing currents and harsher weather. But the navy will not stop until the last body is found."
As if highlighting the point, Kim's divers are trying to find their way into another dormitory-style room where 50 girls were believed to be as the ship began to sink.

So far, rescuers have retrieved 187 bodies. Another 115 people remain missing, although no one has been rescued since 174 were plucked from ship and sea the day the ferry sank.As the effort inside the ship continues, South Korean authorities are pressing a criminal investigation into the sinking. It's resulted in the arrests of the ship's captain and 14 other members, searches of the company that owned the ferry and the home of the man whose family controls it, and a wide-ranging probe into the country's marine industry. 

Safety concerns about sister ship
Prosecutors in Mopko, South Korea, who are leading the ferry investigation told CNN's Nic Robertson on Friday that authorities have yet to determine what caused the sinking.
Leading theories include changes made to increase the ferry's passenger capacity and shifting cargo.
On Friday, investigators checked out the Sewol's sister ship, the Ohamana, and said they found 40 of its life rafts weren't working, emergency slides to help evacuate passengers were inoperable, and equipment to tie down cars and cargo either was nonexistent or didn't work very well.
Like the Sewol, the Ohamana had been modified to add more passengers, the prosecutor's office said.
The ship arrived in Incheon on April 16, the same day the Sewol sank, and has not left yet, officials said.

Investigators are looking into whether those modifications could have contributed to the Sewol's fate.
Kim Yong-rok, an opposition lawmaker who represents Jindo, an island near where the ship sank, told CNN that modifications to add 117 more passenger cabins to the ship raised the ferry's center of gravity.On Friday, the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced it would ask lawmakers to consider legislation prohibiting modifications to ships to increase passenger capacity.
Government investigators are also probing the private organization that conducts ship safety inspections on behalf of the government to determine if any wrongdoing was involved in the certification of the Sewol after its 2013 modifications.

Families confront officials
The revelations about the sister ship came the day after angry relatives of missing ferry passengers cursed government and police officials for failing to do enough to save the lives of their loved ones as hopes of finding survivors dimmed.The relatives berated Fisheries Minister Lee Ju-young and two coast guard officials, accusing them of misleading the public about the operation and of wasting time.
"How can you fool us into believing you were out there trying to save our children?" one mother yelled at the officials.

Also, officials at the South Korean headquarters for the task force coordinating the search told CNN that they believe the body of a boy who reportedly made the first emergency call from the ship after it began to list sharply has been recovered. DNA tests will help officially identify the remains, officials said early Friday.Also on Friday, an official involved in the investigation in Mokpo asked for patience."I know a lot of people are curious as to the cause of the accident, but we don't have the information yet," said Heo Yong-beom, a maritime safety judge. "We will try our best to satisfy and answer questions."

'We join you in mourning'
Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama, in South Korea for a previously scheduled trip, presented South Korean President Park Geun-hye with an American flag that flew over the White House the day the ferry sank."I'm very mindful that my visit comes at a time of mourning for the people of this nation," he told the U.S. and the South Korean delegations. "As allies but also friends, we join you in mourning the missing, and especially the young people."The delegations held a moment of silence, then Park thanked Obama for the gesture."The Korean people draw great strength from your kindness," she said.