Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PM reiterates Vietnam’s resolve to defend

cabinet meeting, PM, sovereignty

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the statement at a regular cabinet meeting in Hanoi on June 30 with all local leaders from across the country in attendance.
The meeting reviewed socio-economic performance in the first half of this year and discussed measures to manage the national economy and ensure security and defence in the rest of the year, especially following the illegal placement by China of its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou-981 in Vietnam’s waters in blatant disregard of international law.
In his speech, the Government leader once again denounced China’s legal actions which have seriously violated Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, threatening peace, stability and security in the region and adversely affecting the Vietnam-China friendship.
In this particular context, PM Dung called on the government along with local leaders to maximize their efforts in struggling and safeguarding the sovereignty of national waters.
“It is imperative to maintain a peaceful and stable environment, security and order to boost socio-economic development and successfully implement the targets and major tasks outlined since early this year.” Dung said.
He also suggested cabinet members and local leaders raise their sense of responsibility and contribute practical opinions to issue a Government Resolution with proper and efficient guidance measures in line with the real situation.
Concerning socio-economic development tasks in the six-month period, Planning and Investment Minister Bui Quang Vinh highlighted the efforts made by ministries, sectors, and localities in carrying out the National Assembly's Resolution No. 01 and the government resolution which have achieved positive results with controlled Inflation, slight increases in the consumer price index (CPI), stable market prices and assured demand -supply of goods.
Compared to last December, June’s CPI saw the lowest increase against the same period in 13 years.
Lower interest rates and stable exchange rates helped iron out snags in business operations and boost exports. Exports maintained high growth and the nation continues to enjoy a trade surplus.
Meanwhile, the State budget revenue was higher than last year’s same period. In terms of economic growth, the second quarter GDP growth rate was higher than that of the first one and is estimated to reach 5.18% in the first half, much higher than the growth rate of two years ago.
During the two-day meetings, cabinet members and local leaders will dilate on restructuring State-owned enterprises (SoEs) over the past six months, orientations for the use of revenues from restructuring and equitization of SoEs.
They will also hear reports and propose solutions for the East Sea situation and debate other important issues.

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