Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Vietnam, Netherlands establish strategic agricultural partnership

Dutch PM

PM Dung highlighted the significance of the Dutch PM’s visit to Vietnam, describing it as an important event contributing to the effective and practical promotion of friendship and cooperation between the two nations.The two PMs informed each other about the situation in their respective country and compared notes on measures to enhance future bilateral cooperation.Dung affirmed Vietnam’s recognition of high importance to strengthening ties with the Netherlands- one of Vietnam’s important EU partners.PM Mark Rutte hailed Vietnam’s great achievements in socio-economic development and the country’s rising regional and international status, noting that the Dutch business community wishes to continue bolstering comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam.
The two government leaders commended the fruitful and dynamic cooperation between Vietnam and the Netherlands across a variety of fields demonstrated by the establishment of a strategic partnership for adaptation to climate change and water management in 2010.

They noted with satisfaction that over the past years, the two sides increased the exchange of delegations at all levels and created favorable conditions for businesses to step up investment cooperation and do long-term stable business in each other's market, especially in priority areas- climate change response, water management, agriculture, energy, sea-based economy, logistics and shipbuilding.Both sides agreed to expand cooperation in defense, science and technology, education and training, enhance cooperation between localities and organize regular cultural exchange activities in each country aiming to strengthening mutual understanding between the two peoples.
The Dutch PM affirmed his nation’s willingness to facilitate the launch of "Vietnam Day in the Netherlands" event scheduled to take place in the Netherlands in 2014.

The two leaders expressed satisfaction with the strategic partnership for adaptation to climate change and water management which is entering the process of carrying out specific programs and projects.
They consented to set up a strategic partnership on agriculture and food security, considering this a focal point of bilateral cooperation in the time ahead.In the spirit of mutual trust and understanding, host and guest exchanged view on many international and regional issues of mutual concern and confirmed continued closer cooperation and mutual support at multilateral forums within the framework of the United Nations, the Asia-Europe Summit (ASEM) and cooperation forum between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (ASEAN-EU).

PM Mark Rutte voiced his nation’s support for Vietnam in forging comprehensive relations with the EU, accelerating the European Commission (EC)’s early ratification of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and its recognition of Vietnam’s full market economy status along with the conclusion of EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) negotiations.
Regarding the East Sea issue, PM Dung told his guest about the illegal placement by China of its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou-981 deep inside Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, saying this act is a serious violation of international law, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) in which China is a signatory.

China’s wrongdoings are posing a direct threat to peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea, Dung added.The Dutch PM shared deep concern about the current East Sea situation, assuring that his nation agreed upon the EU statement and the declaration of ASEAN Foreign Ministers and that concerned parties need to restraint and settle disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law.Following the talks, the two PMs signed a strategic partnership on sustainable agriculture and food security agreement and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in developing the Son My liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal in Vietnam and a framework contract on LNG purchasing for the Thi Vai terminal between the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Corporation (PetroVietnam)and Shell Group of the Netherlands.On this occasion, the two sides adopted a joint statement on the results of the official visit to Vietnam by Dutch PM Mark Rutte.
The same day, Mark Rutte met with State President Truong Tan Sang and National Assembly (NA) Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung.

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