Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lotus season photo ops bring fringe business opportunities

west lake, lotus lake

Recently, many people, especially the young, have been taking the opportunity of the season to visit lotus ponds surrounding West Lake to enjoy the beauty and snap photos. Since many are willing to pay for extra services, a mini-industry has built up around the phenomenon.
Entrance fees can often range from VND20,000-VND30,000 (USD0.94-USD1.41), but can reach as high as VND50,000 (USD2.35) on the weekend.
An anonymous ticket seller at a lotus pond near the West Lake Water Park said that they have regularly been getting around 500 visitors a day since the beginning of June. Visitors often come in early morning and in the mid-afternoon.Ticket sales for lotus ponds around the West Lake have been a great boon for the owners in recent years. However, extra services are also sprouting up this year, including costume leasing, make-up and photography services.

Young women tend to like taking photos in Yếm đào, a Vietnamese garment, usually in pink, and summer skirts. Rental fees for these clothes is usually around VND100,000 (USD4.71). In addition, costumers are charged the use of props, make-up services and photography.
Many tea stands have also popped up around these areas to quench the thirst of the clients in the summer sun.On average, a visitors to pay a combined VND200,000 (USD9.42) to VND400,000 (USD18.85) each for such an excursion, not including entrance and parking fees.
Discounts are often given to regular customers and those who use package services.
west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake
 west lake, lotus lake

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