Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thailand martial law: A cheat sheet to get you up to speed

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Protests surge. Violence flares. And troops swoop in, claiming they're trying to calm things down but not taking over.Today, that's the situation in Thailand, where the army declared martial law in a surprise move without informing the country's embattled Prime Minister. But we've heard the same sort of explanation a few times recently from military leaders in other countries that are going through political turmoil.Is this deja vu, military coup style? What's fueling the situation in Thailand? Who's in charge? What could happen next? And why should you be paying attention?

At dawn on Tuesday, Thai TV networks showed troops armed and at the ready, running in formation and toting guns. They also broadcast statements from military leaders repeating a key message: Don't panic. This is not a coup. But we're in charge now -- at least when it comes to national security.
Apparently, that was news to the country's embattled acting prime minister."They took this action unilaterally," an aide to the prime minister told CNN, describing the situation as "half a coup d'etat."
Human Rights Watch said Tuesday that declaring martial law "is effectively a coup that threatens the human rights of all Thais."The law includes restrictions on where protesters can gather, what TV and radio broadcasters can air and social media posts, according to the Bangkok Post.
Several analysts told CNN it isn't a coup -- yet.

Acting Prime Minister Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan's government remains intact, his chief security adviser said."Everything is normal," Paradorn Pattanatabu told Thai public broadcaster MCOT, "except the military is responsible for all national security issues."
This sounds familiar. How does it compare to what we've seen in other countries?

Around the world, we've heard a lot about coups recently.
In Libya, some troops have been arguing that increasing military power that's rallying behind a renegade local general isn't anything to worry about. But the Libyan government and the military command in Tripoli reacted with alarm, saying that they didn't order retired Gen. Khalifa Haftar's deadly attacks against Islamist militants last week, and that the operation -- which they conceded included some Libyan soldiers -- amounted to a coup.

In February, Ukraine's President claimed a coup had forced him from office, while lawmakers said they were following the will of the people when Parliament voted to oust him and hold new elections.
A military coup in Egypt last year ousted President Mohamed Morsy from office and placed an interim leader in power. A debate surged afterward about whether a coup was an appropriate term to use for the ouster.

At this point, in Thailand, it seems like the government and military remain allied.
There are a few key things about the military's announcement that officials around the world say they're watching closely:
-- Military leaders said martial law is temporary, but they haven't said when it will end.
-- They've said their goal is easing tensions and bringing rival parties together for talks.
-- And they haven't named a new government.
How did things get to this point?
Political tensions are running so high in Thailand that a large swath of the population wants to see a change in leadership but opposes elections because they don't trust the government to guarantee they're free and fair.

Those are the so-called yellow shirts, predominately urban, middle-class supporters of the royalist establishment. They've been staging massive protests in the country's capital for months and boycotted elections in February.Backing the government are the so-called red shirts, many of whom hail from the country's rural north and northeast.The two groups have been at the center of political divides in the country for years, with simmering tensions boiling over into violent clashes between protesters and government forces.
The latest flashpoint occurred this month, when caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was removed from government after the Thai Constitutional Court ruled that she was guilty of violating the constitution.

The pro-government red shirts saw her ouster as a "judicial coup" and have been protesting what they consider a bias by many of the country's institutions against their side.
Three anti-government protesters were killed and 23 injured when gunmen opened fire on a protest camp last week, prompting a warning from the army chief that troops would have to step in if the situation didn't calm down.Later that day, anti-government protesters stormed the grounds of an air force compound, forcing the country's interim prime minister to flee a meeting.
What's next?

Thailand's army chief, Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, says the next step is bringing "rival parties to talk in peace."But it isn't clear whether the opposing sides have any interest in sitting down and talking to each other.What will happen, analysts say, depends on what the military does in the coming days and how protesters respond.Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political science professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, described the situation as "very volatile.""This is a precarious time now for the army," he said. "They have to be evenhanded.""If it's seen as favoring one side or the other side, then we could see more violence and turmoilagainst the military." 

Has anything like this ever happened before in Thailand?
Thailand is no stranger to military coups.There have been 18 military coups attempted there in 80 years; 11 have been successful.The last one was in 2006 when the military sent tanks onto the streets before ousting then Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.But times have changed, said Paul Quaglia, a 20-year veteran of the CIA and director of risk assessment firm PQA Associates.
"They really are out of the business of staging coups now in 2014," he said. "That being said, they may have to take more assertive action in the days to come if one or the other of the opposing camps do not accept martial law and continue to defy it."

Why should I care about this?
Thailand's political instability could have an impact beyond the country's borders. The months of protests have already hurt Thailand's economy and run the risk of making the country less attractive to investors and governments looking to strike up deals, analysts say.
"A reputation for perpetual political unrest would definitely hurt Thailand's competitiveness and attractiveness to foreign investment in the future," the Center for Strategic and International Studies said in a December analysis of the political crisis.

"Known as the 'Detroit of the East,' Thailand has risen to become a vital manufacturing and assembly hub of hard-disk drives and automobiles for Japanese and Western firms," the analysis said.
A recent report from the U.S. Congressional Research Service notes that amid the turmoil, "Bangkok's reliability as a partner, and its ability to be a regional leader, are uncertain."
"A stable Thailand is strategically important to the United States, both because of its status as a U.S. treaty ally and as an anchor for mainland Southeast Asia," the report said. "U.S. policymakers are faced with how to deal with an unraveling democracy and how to respond to profound concerns about the civilian-military balance in Thai society."
The State Department has said it's closely following this week's developments and hopes Thailand's military leaders will keep their word.

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